The Theory of
Biblical Patterns
No mortal could have put
all of the patterns in
the Holy Bible without
divine intervention.
math on 37 patterns
Pro Bible website:
EZEKIEL 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
Does quantitized redshift prove the existence of God?

Extra Credit
if you are trying to disprove this theory

1. Show that matter can come from absolutely nothing, which defeats the whole notion of nothing because if matter can appear, what it is appearing from is something even if it is outside of time, space, energy, and the laws of physics, a PHD defining this something as 'nothing' does not change the fact that it is still something, and the question remains, where did that something come from. There had to have been an original entity. The only possible question is, was that entity a being or non-being, and if this original entity was a non-being, how do you explain the following:

2. Prove that the very concept of time, space and energy can come from a non-being.

3. Disprove the need to fine tune the physical constants of the universe for life, the anthropic principle, a one in 1e1032 (23:00) probability. Note that the multiverse needs even more fine tuning than just one universe so it is not a solution.

4. Create dark matter in the laboratory.

5. Create dark energy in the laboratory.

6. Explain the origin of Zero Point Energy.

7. Disprove quanitized red shifts 82 .

8. Solve the flatness of the universe problem.

9. Solve the cosmic inflation problem.

10. Explain the existence of carbon.

11. Disprove the law of biogenesis. by proving abiogenesis, the origin of life.

12. Explain the Cambrian explosion without fine tuning of the original spins of sextillions 17:45 of subatomic particles being done in advance with one in a geegolplex precision for each particle.

13. Explain away background noise 50:06 in radiocarbon dating.

14. Prove the existence of 'awareness of being', the soul, the image of God, without going outside of time, space, energy, and the laws of physics. Famous atheist Freeman Dyson says that awareness of being is at the atomic level.

15. Explain Ica Stones.

16. Show how the age of the universe can be precise to three significant digits when it keeps changing and it didn't change when they discovered that the rate of movement between galaxies has a rate of change of rate of change and they have no clue whether or not there is a rate of change of rate of change of rate of change.

17. Explain why are there only 205 super nova remnants.

18. Explain how dark energy can be fine tuned (15:00) to 1 in 1e120 without an intelligent designer.

19. Explain how you get around cell theory.

20. Explain the spiral 1:42:10 winding problem.

21. Explain the blue 1:43:50 star problem.

22. Explain why dinosaur 2:57:18 bones and coal seams have carbon 14.

23. Explain the fine tuning of the mandelbrot set without an Intelligent Designer.

24. Explain how they find soft tissue in dinosaur fossils.

25. Explain away the 7 strangest coincidences in the laws of nature without an intelligent designer putting these patterns here for us to see thus proving that God created the universe.

Overall, the possibility of ANY of these issues being explained by naturalistic processes is absurd to a geegolplex. Absurd is 1 in 1e50. A geegolplex is equal to 10^^^^geegol. A geegol is equal to 10^^^^100. Needless to say, absurd to a geegolplex is an extremely rare occurrence. None of these items noted on this webpage occurred without an Intelligent Designer.

Websites explaining these issues without an Intelligent Designer:

mission statement, motto, creed, and purpose (all derived directly from a search of the word 'patterns' found in the book of Numbers at an offset of 18 , half the difference of Gods prime pairs )

best proof       feedback             pages       preachers

Most patterns directly from God by listening to the wonderbible every night for years.

Dr. Kent Hovind does an excellent job of explaining the creation proof.

Dr. Kent Hovind's Creation Challenge

Governor Mike Huckabee's words of wisdom

Condensed Evolution Theory