The Theory of
Biblical Patterns
No mortal could have put
all of the patterns in
the Holy Bible without
divine intervention.
math on 37 patterns
Pro Bible website:
EZEKIEL 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
Pattern 92

The reverse of the first trinity times trinity digits of 'pi' at an offset of the sum of the digits of the Hebrew numeric values of the words of Genesis 1:1, 4555828, gives the Hebrew numeric value, 913, and the Hebrew numeric position, 76, of the first word of Genesis 1:1 and the number of fish that Jesus caused to be caught, 153, and digits add up to Gods prime pair, 37, as well as the last digit of 913 and first digit of 76, with the 2 being the number of ways of looking at the first word. (1 in 1e12).

In Greek, 'sons of God' is 3 x 7 x 153, 'fishes' and 'the net' is 8 x 153.

skip.java This software proves that 455828 is the only offset in the first one billion digits of 'pi' that meet all of these conditions for any sentence, even one in a language you make up. A major ATABOY for anyone who finds a sentence that is the first sentence of a book published prior to 2020, that clearly and articulately describes your version of the origin of the universe that meets all of the conditions of this pattern in and of itself, even ignoring all the other 91 patterns.

To do this,
Your sentence will have to be 7 words.
It will have to be a first sentence of a book published prior to 2020.
Your sentence will have to clearly and articulately describe your version of the origin of the universe.
The first word of your sentence will have to have a value of 913.
The first word of your sentence will have to have a place of 76.
The second word of your sentence will have to have a digits of digits of 5.
The third word of your sentence will have to have a digits of digits of 5.
The fourth word of your sentence will have to have a digits of digits of 5.
The fifth word of your sentence will have to have a digits of digits of 8.
The sixth word of your sentence will have to have a digits of digits of 2.
The last word of your sentence will have to have a digits of digits of 8.
The total value of the sentence will have be 37 times 73.

Beit Reish Alef Shin Yod Tav    2+200+1+300+10+400=913          2+20+1+21+10+22=76    In the beginning

Beit Reish Alef                 2+200+1=203                     2+20+1=23             created 

Alef Lamed Hei Yod Mem          1+30+5+10+40=86                 1+12+5+10+13=41       God

Alef Tav                        1+400=401                       1+22=23               

Hei Shin Mem Yod Mem            5+300+40+10+40=395              5+21+13+10+13=62      the heavens

Vav Alef Tav                    6+1+400=407                     6+1+22=29             and

Hei Alef Reish Tzadei           5+1+200+90=296                  5+1+20+18=44          the earth

1 4555828 913762153 37

Values and places for words of Genesis 1:1 digits of digits gives 4555828

913     =9+1+3=13=1+3=4 4       76      =7+6=13=1+3=4   4
203     =2+0+3=5=5=5    5       23      =2+3=5=5=5      5
86      =8+6=14=1+4=5   5       41      =4+1=5=5=5      5
401     =4+0+1=5=5=5    5       23      =2+3=5=5=5      5
395     =3+9+5=17=1+7=8 8       62      =6+2=8=8=8      8
407     =4+0+7=11=1+1=2 2       29      =2+9=11=1+1=2   2
296     =2+9+6=17=1+7=8 8       44      =4+4=8=8=8      8

showing 20 digits before and after each digit at that offset:

                     3 .1415926535897932384 offset 0 x 4555828
60878709592116454760 5 85200742262960345042 offset 1 x 4555828
23922652350375144483 1 00351417355375047297 offset 2 x 4555828
34793372364550988249 2 00587712043611498259 offset 3 x 4555828
40672746981523456902 6 38843099102718075084 offset 4 x 4555828
73316602089286319440 7 93984556692320343927 offset 5 x 4555828
43147683394741212015 3 89096159920840855845 offset 6 x 4555828
74865973111964589310 1 78723260751191259157 offset 7 x 4555828
63737962091336040561 9 69229691079653131813 offset 8 x 4555828



913762153 37

Digits 1 to 3 are the value of the first word.
Digits 4 to 5 are the place of the first word.
Digit 6 is for the 2 ways, value and place, that the first word is found.
Digits 7 to 9 are the number of fish Jesus caused to be caught.
The digits add up to 37, God's prime pair.
Bonus pattern (about another 1 in 1e12 
for a total of a trillion trillion to one 
that these patterns would occur by chance.

Length of each word.
6 3 5 2 5 3 4
                     3 .1415926535897932384 offset = 0 times 6352534
40886729217762832913 9 22174191623211459344 offset = 1 times 6352534
49879755728925600738 5 74217363261133791037 offset = 2 times 6352534
59703011661285430285 2 45703840290264109983 offset = 3 times 6352534
15978008923992277886 8 30192684207616066570 offset = 4 times 6352534
03204247458576214633 0 86779588379439573106 offset = 5 times 6352534
74512822813824605909 7 82748658828120651978 offset = 6 times 6352534
51815795252377355836 2 02769185059303793593 offset = 7 times 6352534
40981718980130625689 6 48891616530612961103 offset = 8 times 6352534
59637501092403670623 2 65040468056537518120 offset = 9 times 6352534
05158910421299047720 1 41176849993779170010 offset = 10 times 6352534
99919210103361811036 0 85868951679790859017 offset = 11 times 6352534
61020216270620437997 6 95446035981200018305 offset = 12 times 6352534
36561671522760482108 3 65942990535314345899 offset = 13 times 6352534
88215219472465583095 4 37288672145350674368 offset = 14 times 6352534
96461571853570489426 5 72491096960099396932 offset = 15 times 6352534
20118130748663193946 6 43251649616753533423 offset = 16 times 6352534
29549803695702012980 2 94121787047834889143 offset = 17 times 6352534
82184758421728456880 2 00026486358787459344 offset = 18 times 6352534
69871294601048252995 6 67431864361373022148 offset = 19 times 6352534


Digits 1 to 3 are the value of the middle noun.
Digits 8 to 10 and 17 to 20 are the place of the middle noun forward and  backward.
Digit 4, 2, is for place and value, 2 ways of finding the middle noun.
Digits 5 to 8 are the value of the sentence plus divine perfection, 7, backwards.
Digits 11 to 13 is the value of the second word with the first digit doubled and the third digit halved.
Digits 14 to 15 is the sequence of position from the first to third noun.

Interesting Biblical Websites:


mission statement, motto, creed, and purpose (all derived directly from a search of the word 'patterns' found in the book of Numbers at an offset of 18 , half the difference of Gods prime pairs )

best proof       feedback             pages       preachers

Most patterns directly from God by listening to the wonderbible every night for years.

Dr. Kent Hovind does an excellent job of explaining the creation proof.

Dr. Kent Hovind's Creation Challenge

Governor Mike Huckabee's words of wisdom

Condensed Evolution Theory