The Theory of
Biblical Patterns
No mortal could have put
all of the patterns in
the Holy Bible without
divine intervention.
math on 37 patterns
Pro Bible website:
EZEKIEL 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
youtube amino
Molecular weights of the 20 Amino acids in DNA

Here is an excellent picture and description of the weights of the 20 amino acids adding up to 2701 + 37, the hebrew numeric value of Genesis 1:1, 2701, and the two most holy digits together, 37. It may also help explain where our sin nature comes from. It appears, from the noted website, that our propensity to sin is built right into our DNA. Read the description carefully. It sure looks like DNA was designed after the Holy Bible and not the other way around by this description.

Below are links to each of these molecular weights and the slight differences.

namecorrectionMolecular Weightcumlative
aspartate off by 0.01 corrected 133.10133.10
asparagine 132.12265.22
alanine 89.09354.31
leucine 131.17485.48
arginine 174.20659.68
phenylalanine 165.19824.87
proline 115.13940.00
isoleucine 131.171071.17
lysine 146.191217.36
tyrosine 181.191398.55
threonine rounded by 0.0008 corrected 119.121517.67
methionine 149.211666.88
histidine rounded by 0.0046       155.151822.03
tryptophan 204.232026.26
serine 105.092131.35
cysteine 121.162252.51
glutamate 147.132399.64
glutamine 146.142545.78
glycine 75.072620.85
valine rounded by 0.001 117.152738.00

These kinds of patterns don't just happen by accident. DNA was clearly designed with Genesis 1:1 in mind, for educational use only and therefore within fair use.

There is also an unusually large number of adjacent subsets of electrons, in order of size, that are evenly divisible by 18. 18 is very significant in the number values in the Holy Bible and is the offset of the first instance of the word 'patterns' in the Bible.
Other features of 37 in DNA reprinted from here for educational use only and therefore within fair use.

1. The total molecular mass of the 20 amino acids = 2738 (37 x 74 (37th even number))
2. The total mass of the molecular core shared by all 20 amino acids is 74 (37 x 2)
3. The sum of the atomic numbers of all the different atoms found in DNA = 37
4. Of the 20 amino acids, 19 have 73 nucleons (protons and neutrons)
5. Proline is the only amino acid out of the 20 that has 74 (37 x 2) nucleons (also the 37th even number)
6. Mitochondrial DNA contains exactly 37 genes, all of which are essential for normal mitochondrial function
7. There are a total of 28 (7 x 4) codons (3 structural units within DNA) which have a total atomic mass of 1665 (37 x 3 x 3 x 5) and a combined side chain atomic mass of 703 (37 x 19) = 37th triangular number
mission statement, motto, creed, and purpose (all derived directly from a search of the word 'patterns' found in the book of Numbers at an offset of 18 , half the difference of Gods prime pairs )

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